About 720,000 households benefit from compensations in Moldova for November 2023
20:09 | 17.01.2024 Category: Social
Chisinau, 17 January /MOLDPRES/ - About 720,000 households benefited from support on behalf of the government for November 2023. The overall value of the compensations provided was of more than 439 million lei (about 21.9 million euros).
According to the Labour and Social Protection Ministry, 438,572 households benefited from compensations for gas, 143,781 – for thermal energy, 6,082 – for electric energy and 258,879 households received the monetary payment of 800 lei.
In last November, 14.60 per cent of the beneficiaries fit the category of extreme vulnerability, 33.88 per cent – quite high, 32.35 per cent – high, 10.71 per cent – medium, 6.30 per cent – low and 0.40 per cent – without vulnerability.
The value of the compensations for gas stood at 112.2 million lei, for thermal energy – 118.1 million lei, for electric energy – 1.5 million lei and the monetary payment – 207.1 million lei.
The monetary payment and the compensations in invoice are provided only to the households which register on the platform www.compensatii.gov.md. The platform is open for registration and citizens can submit, in continuation, applications to ask for compensations for energy till the date of 25 of each month of the cold period of the year – November 2023 – March 2024. The compensations will be provided starting from the next month for the month when the application was submitted.
If citizens have additional questions as regards the providing of the compensation for energy as monetary payment or in invoice, they can call the Green Line: 0 8000 5000 or send a message to the email: suport@compensatii.gov.md.