External audit mission carried out at „NICOLAE TESTEMITANU” University
16:32 | 20.01.2024 Category: Social
Chisinau, 20 Jan. /MOLDPRES/- First external audit mission of this year - a scheduled supervision - was carried out at the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) "Nicolae Testemițanu".
According to the higher education institution, the audit is conducted by Vlad Gheorghița, chief auditor, and Daniela Cara, quality management specialist at the Certind certification company of Bucharest, to assess the functionality and compliance of the Quality Management System with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015.
Attending the mission's opening meeting was USMF rector, professor Emil Ceban and other members of the administration.
Gheorghița highlighted the main goals of the audit mission, among which: assessment of the Quality Management System's compliance with the audit criteria; the effectiveness of the QMS in ensuring the university's ability to achieve its objectives and conduct processes in accordance with legal norms, regulatory and contractual requirements. At the same time, the expert "appreciated the university's team of auditors, which manages to ensure the functionality of the Quality Management System to the requirements of the international standard".
For her part, Olga Iurco, head of the Internal Audit Department of USMF "Nicolae Testemițanu", said that the surveillance audit includes: evaluation of internal audits and management analysis of the actions taken to remove the non-conformities identified during the previous audit; complaints handling; effectiveness of the management system regarding the achievement of the objectives and intended results of the management system; progress of planned activities for continuous improvement, continuity of operational control, analysis of any changes in the management system or its context, use of the certification mark and certification reference.
Ceban voiced confidence that "this time the external audit mission will be constructive and effective, and the experts' recommendations will contribute to improving the university's activity". In this context, the rector said that this year the educational institution marks 15 years of implementation of international quality standards and proper maintenance of the Quality Management System.