Moldovan state funded about 900 applications for subsidies in agriculture
10:36 | 23.01.2024 Category: Economic
Chisinau, 23 Jan. /MOLDPRES/- Since the beginning of the year, the Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA) has paid about 155 million lei (7.75 million euros) for 878 requests for subsidies.
On January 16, 2024, the Ministry of Agriculture requested 50 million lei from the Reserve Fund for an additional measure of support. Eligible are the farmers who suffered as a result of the 2023 drought, the corn crop, as well as those in the north of the country who recorded considerable damage on agricultural land after the storms and hail of July 25 and 26, 2023, under the issued findings by CSE. Currently, the ministry is preparing a government decision for the application of the measure.
The institution urges farmers to directly call the employees of the ministry or AIPA whenever they have questions on the processes and principles of operation of some measures or consult the website: