Deputy Prime Minister's message following submission of mandate as Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
13:14 | 24.01.2024 Category: Official
Chisinau, 24 Jan. /MOLDPRES/- The head of Moldovan diplomacy, Nicu Popescu, conveyed the following message as a result of the submission of the mandate of Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration:
"Dear colleagues and friends,
With emotion and confidence that at this stage we have managed to achieve the major goals assumed in the summer of 2021, I inform you that I have decided to submit my mandate as minister, from January 29, 2024.
This mandate began in August 2021, under the leadership of President Maia Sandu and in the governments led by Natalia Gavriliță and subsequently by Prime Minister Dorin Recean. Together, we have managed challenges and celebrated remarkable achievements for our country.
At the time of assuming responsibility for our country's foreign policy in 2021, the Republic of Moldova was practically devoid of international respect and support, being still marked by the shadow of corrupt and oligarchic governments. We had a clear objective: to get the Republic of Moldova out of isolation, overcome the effects of the pandemic and bring the country back on the European path - objectives that we managed to successfully promote. The year 2022 brought us dramatic challenges: Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine drastically changed the context and required a reorientation of our efforts towards ensuring peace and security in the Republic of Moldova. Despite these extremely difficult circumstances, we managed to mobilize massive international support for our country and managed to obtain the status of a candidate country for accession to the European Union in June 2022, marking a significant step towards European integration. The year 2023 was marked by the firm anchoring of Moldova in the European space and family, together with the European Council's decision to launch accession negotiations with our country.
I am grateful to the team at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, especially the secretaries of state, the team of advisors, colleagues of the diplomatic missions, as well as all colleagues of MAEIE.
I want to thank my dear family, who have supported me unconditionally in the most difficult circumstances, especially in these two and a half years which have not been easy at all.
I urge you to explore a photographic retrospective of my time as minister by accessing the following link: