Government updated National Action Plan for Moldova's accession to EU
12:59 | 24.01.2024 Category: Official
Chisinau, 24 Jan. /MOLDPRES/- The National Action Plan for Moldova's accession to EU for 2024-2027 was updated by government. The changes were made following the European Commission's report of November 8, 2023, which came with new recommendations to improve the legislative framework and concrete actions to be taken to anchor our country in the European family, the government's communication department has reported.
The initial plan, approved by the Government in October 2023, was supplemented with 134 new actions, out of a total of 1,328 actions.
The actions' implementation will be reflected later in the contribution of the Republic of Moldova to the Commission's Report for 2024 and therefore will contribute to the improvement of the evaluation of the level of preparation of the Republic of Moldova for each of the chapters of accession to the European Union.