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Moldovan hydrologists warn about ice formations which can be dangerous for people

16:56 | 28.01.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 January /MOLDPRES/ - The Hydrological Centre of the State Hydrometeorological Service (SHS) has issued a warning valid for the next days as to the danger posed by the ice formations which appeared on water basins following the last night frost.  

According to hydrologists, given the thermal regime forecast, on the period 27 January – 1 February, the process of appearance of ice – ice at banks and ice bridges – will be resumed on the Prut river, the small rivers and lakes from Moldova.   

„The ice layer will be thin and there is the risk for the ice to break. We warn that the stay and exposing oneself on frozen waters can have serious consequences,’’ SHS said.

The night-time air temperatures will drop to -9 Celsius degrees on the next days.



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