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IGSU staff deployed to Brussels to do shifts at EU Emergency Response Coordination Centre

11:17 | 30.01.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Jan 30. /MOLDPRES/- On 22 January - 2 February, two IGSU employees are deployed to Brussels, Belgium as liaison officers, to do shifts at the EU Emergency Response Coordination Center (ERCC).

According to IGSU, the activity is part of a process by which our country acts as a full member within the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Upon joining the Mechanism, Moldova takes over the operating practices in requesting and providing support in emergency situation. Thus, for the first time the representatives of our country are working at the Emergency Response Coordination Center with European experts.

IGSU representatives had a meeting with Ambassador, head of the Mission of the Republic of Moldova to the EU Daniela Morari and discussed the role and importance of IGSU joining the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, as well as the accreditation terms of the intervention modules.

At the same time, the main activities carried out by the IGSU in cooperation with the EU during 2023 were reviewed, aimed at modernizing and raising the national crisis management system to European standards.


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