Consumption of gas by about 61 per cent higher in Moldova in January 2024 against same period of 2023
15:05 | 09.02.2024 Category: Economic
Chisinau, 9 February /MOLDPRES/ - The Moldovagaz stock company today informed that the consumption of natural gas had amounted to 154.6 million cubic metres in last January, which is by 60.8 per cent more against the same period of the 2023. At the same time, according to the enterprise’s public relations service, this index grew by 16.8 million cubic metres or by 12.2 per cent against last December.
According to the quoted source, the household consumers till 31 January 2024 paid 98 per cent of the sums invoiced in 2023, which is by 0.5 percentage points less against the same period of the last year. As for the non-household consumers (legal entities), the share of transfers was of 98 percentage points, which is by 0.8 per cent less against the same period of the 2023 year. The enterprises from the energy and thermal sectors from Moldova paid the invoices at the level of 97.7 per cent, which is by 1.8 percentage points more against the same period of the year before.
Under the Law on the energy vulnerability reduction fund, a compensation worth 187.4 million lei was calculated to the household consumers in a number of 466,283 personal accounts for the consumption of natural has in January 2024. Additionally, the volume of compensations calculated was of 1.8 million lei for the household consumers from the associations of residents, in a total number of 4,690 consumption places, depending on the category of energy vulnerability assigned, the Moldovagaz stock company said.
Also, on the concerned period, 345 consumption units were disconnected from the natural gas distribution network, as the debts of their owners amount to about 1.8 million lei. At the same time, the condition of preventive payment was applied for 169 consumers, as a consequence of the earlier ceasing of the delivery of natural gas, for the failure to pay the equivalent value of the natural gas consumed.
According to the Moldovagaz stock company, the level of payment for the consumption of natural gas for the volume supplied in 2023 reached 98 per cent on 31 January 2024, which is 14.5 billion lei (725 million euros) or by 3.3 per cent less against the same period of the last year. The gas consumed in January 2024 is to be paid in February this year, with the invoices already shipped for distribution.