Public Services Agency announced several measures to improve car examination
11:58 | 12.02.2024 Category: Social
Chisinau, Feb. 12 /MOLDPRES/- Public Services Agency (ASP) organized a public event today, and informed about several changes to improve car examination in Moldova.
"This is a new module on the institution's website, through which requests to challenge the results of driving tests can be submitted online. Appeals may be submitted not after three days of the examination, but after 30 days, and the representatives of the driving schools will be part of the appeal commissions. We will include in these commissions professionals, representatives of the academic environment who can give a value judgment in the field", ASP director Mircea Eşanu said.
During the event, the ASP management also announced a way to complete provisional driving licenses, at all multifunctional centers, without an appointment.
In the last three years, the ASP has invested over 45 million lei in modernizing the practical test examination process.