Testing of materials for school-leaving examinations starts in schools of Moldova
10:44 | 20.02.2024 Category: Social
Chisinau, 20 February /MOLDPRES/ - A number of 10,885 pupils from 258 education institutions of Moldova will participate in the testing, on a representative sample, of the materials of examination for the primary school, gymnasiums and lyceums.
The testing on a representative sample has the goal to manage and verify the instruments of evaluation, in order to efficiently organize and carry out the national school-leaving examinations in the 2024 session.
„During the testing, pupils solve the tests proposed during the time provided for by the Regulations on the national school-leaving exams and the Methodology of organization and holding of the national testing in the primary education. The written tests are discussed and analyzed with the teacher in classroom,’’ the director of the National Agency for Curriculum and Evaluation, Lilia Ivanov, said.
The teachers involved in the testing on the representative sample will elaborate an informative note, thereby expressing their opinion on the clarity of the formulation of the subjects and their meeting the requirements of the programme of exam and the curriculum at the discipline. At the same time, they will analyze the degree of complexity of the subjects and of the test, the structure of the test, arrangement on page, the clarity of pictures, the space reserved for settling the subjects, the range of correction, clarity, accessibility.
The working groups in charge of the elaboration of the examination materials use all data from the testing on the representative sample for the working out of the final tests.
The representative sample for the testing of the examination materials will include: at the primary cycle, 2,825 pupils from 64 education institutions; at the gymnasium cycle – 3,080 pupils from 100 education institutions; at the lyceum cycle – 4,980 pupils from 109 education institutions.