Book about Armenian Community of Moldova launched in Chisinau
17:45 | 20.02.2024 Category: Culture
Chisinau, 20 February /MOLDPRES/ - The Interethnic Relations Agency, in partnership with the National Agency of Archives, Community of Armenians from Moldova, on 19 February launched a volume titled, Comunitatea Armeană din Basarabia sub stăpânirea țaristă (The Armenian Community from Bessarabia under Tsarist Rule). The book was signed by a university lecturer, PhD in history Ion Gumenai.
Contacted by MOLDPRES, Ion Gumenai said that the aforementioned volume had been conceived in two parts. One part of the book refers to the general evolution of the Armenian community from Bessarabia and the second part contains a string of chapters, which regards the principal Armenian communities from Chisinau, Akkerman, Balti, Hancesti and the concerned book is meant to make complete the multi-national portrait of the area between the Prut and Dniester rivers.
Ion Gumenai was born in the Barnova village, northern Ocnita district, in 1972. He is author of over 200 scientific works.