Moldova to be exempted from payment for participation in EU programmes
13:16 | 28.02.2024 Category: Political
Chisinau, 28 February /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will be exempted from the payment of annual financial contributions for participation in the European Union’s programmes.
The members of the parliamentary commission for economy, budget and finances today considered a draft law on the ratification of the framework agreement between Moldova and the European Commission for the enforcement of the suspension of the financial contributions of Moldova to the EU programmes.
The agreement’s goal is to suspend Moldova’s obligation to pay the annual financial contribution for participation in the EU programmes for the period 2021-2027.
Presently, Moldova has concluded several Agreements with EU, such as: Fiscalis, Customs, Single Market Programme, EU4Health, LIFE, Horizon Europe, Union Civil Protection Mechanism, Connecting Europe Facility.
The framework agreement between Moldova and the European Commission was signed on 23 January 2024. The document will be submitted to parliament for ratification.