Over 400 education institutions of Moldova use electronic agenda
13:47 | 01.03.2024 Category: Social
Chisinau, 1 March /MOLDPRES/ - As many as 424 education institutions during this academic year implement, in piloting regime, the electronic Agenda within the Educational Management Information System (EMIS).
The electronic agenda allows the easy and quick access to information, no matter the location and time. The parents and/or legal representatives of pupils can learn at any moment the schedule of classes, courses and holidays, can verify the subjects, marks or absences of children.
The Electronic Agenda is a web platform which does not need the setting of the application on the device or having any advanced skills in the use of digital technologies, having a simple and intuitive interface. It can be accessed at the following link: https://agenda.sime.md/.
The Education and Research Ministry encourages the parents to use this instrument, in order to verify the marks of the children, as well as other information concerning their educational evolution.
According to statistics data, about 1,200 schools work in Moldova.