450 social housing units to be built or rehabilitated in Moldova
13:24 | 05.03.2024 Category: Social
Chisinau, March 5 /MOLDPRES/- The Development Bank of the Council of Europe will finance the construction of social housing, retirement homes and student hostels in the Republic of Moldova. The members of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Policy and European Integration have approved the initiation of negotiations on the Framework Loan Agreement between the Development Bank of the Council of Europe and the Republic of Moldova for Public Housing III project.
The construction or rehabilitation works will be financed by the Development Bank of the Council of Europe, which will offer our country a loan worth 20 million euros.
The Development Bank of the Council of Europe will allocate a grant worth one million euros.
It will disburse the loan and investment grant in installments, the first being made within 12 months of the entry into force of the Agreement, and the others based on progress reports on its implementation.
The project will be implemented until 2030.