Moldovan president's message at congress of European People's Party
21:40 | 06.03.2024 Category: Official
Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,
Thank you for the opportunity for me to address this distinguished forum of the European People’s Party (EPP). I thank, also, the National Liberal Party and EPP President, Mr. Manfred Weber for our hosting today.
We assembled here in a crucial moment.
The freedom and the liberal democracy from all over Europe are subjected to a massive attack. The unprovoked and predatory aggression of Russia against Ukraine is aimed at getting the international stage to its old repertoire of cynical geopolitical tactics.
We are everybody confident that, despite the challenges, a community of democratic countries which value the individual freedoms, the human rights, the competitive elections and an open society represent the best foundation for a more equitable, more peaceful and more prosperous world.
At present, more than ever, we need courage, leadership and unity of goal, in order to protect the free societies and turn down the aggression against us everybody.
The history has showed that the aggressiveness does not disappear, if we turn our back to it. If it is not stopped, the aggressiveness always returns, much more brutal and with more terrible plans. Now, it is not time for us to pursue our own, narrow interest. Now, time is ripe for us to be generous. Now, it is time for us to be idealists. Not, it is high time for us to defend what we everybody really trust – democracy, freedom of choice, peace.
Ladies and gentlemen,
In Ukraine, the security of Europe is endangered. We have no time for doubts – Ukraine needs support on behalf of all free European countries. There is no more urgent task but the backing of Ukraine and the ensuring of peace.
Moldova is just near Ukraine. What happens in Ukraine will model Moldova’s future in the next decades. Russia wants to include Moldova in its sphere of influence, without taking into account the human rights, the freedom of expression or of assembly, without free elections.
Russia believes that it should not ask smaller countries, such as us, what they really want. For Russia, the people of Moldova have no word to say in their geopolitical plans. We are regarded just as lines on map.
But the people of Moldova have chosen another way. Presently, Moldova is not ON table, just as Russia wanted it; instead, Moldova has a place AT the table. Our people have made a sovereign and conscious choice of no longer be forcibly pushed into the sphere of influence of Russia.
It is out firm choice to live freely, in democracy, not under oppression or in fear. Today, more than ever, we need your firm and reliable support for this choice.
Dear friends from EPP,
EPP has always been the strongest, the most engaged and the most reliable supporter of Moldova’s European integration. You backed us in the past in our fight against oligarchy, the seizure of the state and corruption. Today, facing the aggression, we rely on you on our way of accession to EU. I appreciate the guiding and the support received on behalf of Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen and Roberta Metsola and many other friends here.
Dear friends from EPP,
Namely in moments of crisis, our common responsibility and leadership are more important than ever. We will cope with the challenge together. Together, we will edify a bigger and stronger union. We stay united.