Almost half of MPs women in Moldova
11:39 | 08.03.2024 Category: Political
Chisinau, 8 March /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s parliament of the eleventh legislative period has 41 women MPs, which is a record registered in the country’s history. Most of these women are members of the faction of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS). Ten women are members of the faction of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists (BECS) and two are independent lawmakers.
Also, five of those 11 standing parliamentary commissions are led by women. The share of women members of the parliament’s standing bureau exceeds 30 per cent.
According to the parliament’s communication and public relations department, the gender equality and the defence of the women’s rights represents a priority on the agenda of the parliament of the 11th legislative period. So far, the MPs have adopted more laws, in order to improve the living conditions of the women and promote them in the social life. Thus, the Agency for the Prevention and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence was created. Another initiative is aimed at encouraging the women on maternity leave to return to work, having possibility to benefit from both the salary and the allowance. Also, women got more protection and safety in the public and private life and Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, the Convention of the International Labour Organization on violence in the world of work stayed at its basis. The parliament adopted also amendments to the Labour Code, which allow the providing of a flexible labour schedule, so that the women are able to have more freedom in their professional life and in the family one.
„Starting from the first day of my entering the politics, I has promoted and backed the women in electoral competitions, even if they were saying that the Moldovans are voting for men. I can say with pride that we changed the customs and proved that the society which they were regarding as patriarchal is not like this. We will work in continuation, in order to provide equal chances and a safe space of development to all women and girls of Moldova,’’ Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu said in his congratulatory message on the occasion of the International Women’s Day.
Also, 142 women work in the parliament’s secretariat, which accounts for 75 per cent out of all civil servants. Seventeen out of those 25 public offices are led by women. Also, the parliament’s secretariat is led by a woman.