European Parliament ruled to extend liberalization of trade with Moldova by one year
09:40 | 14.03.2024 Category: Economic
Chisinau, 14 March /MOLDPRES/ - The European Parliament has approved, by majority vote, the decision on extending by one year the measure of liberalization of the trade between the European Union and Moldova.
More exactly, the exports of seven categories of agricultural products from Moldova – tomatoes, garlic, table grapes, apples, sweet cherries, plums and grapes juice – will continue to be fully liberalized, without tariff restrictions.
„We, the European Parliament, show that we are again united in quickly approving all forms of support for Moldova. We took the first decision on the liberalization of the commerce with Moldova two years ago, with the goal to speed up the country’s European integration and reduce the effects which the war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine has on the producers and exporters from Moldova. We see that Moldova integrated into the European Union more and more,’’ European MP Siegfried Muresan said.
The official noted that many products from Moldova, especially the fruits and vegetables, were appreciated on the marked from all over the European Union and the decision to prolong the liberalization is beneficial both for Moldova and for the European market.
Deputy PM, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba said that the decision approved by the European Parliament was another proof of the European Union’s constant support for Moldova. ‘’This is a huge opportunity for our entrepreneurs. On in 2023, over 65 per cent from our exports go EU,’’ the deputy prime minister said.
The present export regime entered into force on 25 July 2022 and expires on 24 July 2024.