About 14,000 people call ambulance in Moldova in last week
10:27 | 19.03.2024 Category: Social
Chisinau, 19 March /MOLDPRES/ - Emergency medical assistance teams in the last week have provided medical assistance to 13,842 citizens, of whom 1,894 children.
According to the Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Assistance National Centre (CNAMUP), following the providing of the first medical aid, 5,541 patients, of whom 1,106 children were carried to hospital.
On this period, the Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Assistance Service was called for patients with the following emergencies: 3,650 cardiovascular emergencies, of which 49 with acute coronary syndrome; 2,027 respiratory emergencies, of which 970 acute viral respiratory infections; 1,851 neurological emergencies, of which 254 cerebral vascular accidents.
During the week, medical teams intervened in the case of 1,004 cases of traumatological emergencies. At the same time, 61 people were hit in the wake of traffic accidents. Subsequently, 48 patients, of whom six minors, were transported to hospital for specialized treatment.
In the last week, the joint controller’s office of CNAMUP received 41 calls for reasons of toxic emergencies, of which 16 intoxications with alcohol, 12 ones with medicines and 6 with carbon monoxide. Also, 34 emergencies triggered by physical, chemical and environmental agents were recorded. Thus, 17 people suffered from combustions and 6 – hypothermia.