Meetings of explanatory screening continue in Brussels
17:57 | 20.03.2024 Category: Official
Brussels, 20 March /MOLDPRES/ - The session for the Chapter 24, Justice, Freedom and Security, which is part of the Cluster 1, Fundamental Values, is held in Brussels today.
Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov leads Moldova’s delegation, made up of representatives of the Bureau for European Integration and the working group for the Chapter 24, coordinated by the Interior Ministry (MAI). Also, an enlarged team of specialists from public authorities, involved in the implementation of the acquis at the same Chapter, participate in the session in the online format.
It is worth mentioning that, at the explanatory sessions, European Commission’s experts present the most recent legal acts from EU’s acquis. At the same time, answers are provided to the questions of specification concerning the information unveiled, as well as other EU acts in the concerned sector.
The explanatory screening sessions represent an exercise of preparation for the stage of bilateral screening, when Moldova will be invited to present the current level of adjusting of the normative and institutional framework to the principles, provisions and standards of the EU’s acquis, as well as the subsequent plans of transposition and implementation of the entire EU’s acquis.
It is worth to be mentioned that, in December 2023, the European Council ruled to open the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to EU and on 13 March this year, the European Commission submitted the draft of the framework of negotiation to the European Council for consideration. The bilateral screening sessions will start following the approval of the framework of negotiation by the Moldova-EU Intergovernmental Conference.