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PM says Moldova modernizes, integrates into EU with unprecedented speed

09:18 | 10.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has participated in the tenth edition of the Central and Eastern Europe Investment Conference. The PM invited investors to explore the economic potential of Moldova, pointing out the government’s actions to create a friendly investment climate, the government’s communication department reported.    

„We de-bureaucratize, digitalize, modernize, but especially we integrate into the European Union with an unprecedented speed. We are set to be the most business friendly state of EU by 2030,’’ the prime minister stressed.    

In the context, the PM referred to the steps taken by the authorities for the economic development. ‘’The success of the Moldova IT Park from this year will comprise also other international business services. We make progress with the development of the capital market, as well as with its integration into the Bucharest exchange,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.  

On the other hand, the PM emphasized that, in the regional context, Moldova was going through a complicated period, but the problems must be transformed into opportunities. ‘’My belief is that, most times, the risks should not be avoided, but managed. After Ukraine, Moldova was the worst hit country by Russia’s aggression; yet, we managed to cushion the economic shock and to return to growth,’’ the prime minister told the participants in the conference.    

This year, the principal subject of the international conference regards the evolution of the capital markets in the last decade and the prospects for future. The participants in the discussions analyze the pace and the direction of growth and development of the countries from the Central and Eastern Europe.   



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