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Energy minister says there political will in Moldova to maintain stability in Transnistrian region

14:31 | 14.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 14 May /MOLDPRES/ - There is political will in Chisinau to maintain stability in the Transnistrian region and we will not obstruct the supply of gas by Gazprom, even after the expiration of the contract with Ukraine on the transit of Russian gas. Energy Minister Victor Parlicov has made statements to this effect in an interview given with MOLDPRES.    

„Yet, alternatives are necessary, if gas will not be able to be carried on the traditional rote from the east directly to the Transnistrian region. From the technical viewpoint, the delivery of natural gas to the Transnistrian region through the Turkish Stream route is possible and then through the Trans-Balkan route in physical reverse regime,’’ Victor Parlicov said.   

The contract on the transit of Russian natural gas across Ukraine expires in the end of this year.



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