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National Bank of Moldova says average annual inflation to be 5 per cent in 2024, 4.6 per cent in 2025

22:02 | 14.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 14 May /MOLDPRES/ - The annual rate of inflation will continue to slightly decrease in the first quarter of forecast, after which it will increase till the beginning of the next year; subsequently, it will record an insignificant diminution till the end of the forecast horizon, except for the fourth quarter of the 2025 year, when it will increase insignificantly. Governor of the National Bank of Moldova (BNM) Anca Dragu today unveiled data to this effect, making public the inflation report.    

„During the forecast horizon, the annual inflation rate will oscillate in the proximity of the target of 5 per cent and will be maintained in the variation interval. The annual rate of the basic inflation will continue the ascending trajectory during the first two quarters of forecast, after which it will diminish by the end of the forecast period, except for the last quarter, when it will slightly grow,’’ the report reads.    

According to BNM, the annual inflation rate will register the maximal value of 6.4 per cent in the first quarter of the 2025 year and the minimal value – in the third quarter of 2025. The average annual inflation will be of 5 per cent in 2024 and 4.6 per cent in 2025.  

BNM’s data also shows that the annual pace of prices for food products will have a relatively stable tendency on the entire period of forecast. At the same time, the annual rate of regulated prices will continue decreasing in the first quarter of forecast, after which it will have an ascending tendency till the beginning of the next year, followed by a continuous diminution till the end of the forecast horizon, except for the fourth quarter of the 2025 year, when it will increase insignificantly. The annual pace of prices for fuels will continue its ascending tendency till late 2024, after which it will drop by the end of the forecast period, BNM said.     



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