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Driving licences issued in Moldova, Spain to be mutually recognized

14:06 | 15.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, May 15 /MOLDPRES/- Driving licences issued in Moldova and Spain will be mutually recognized. Government has approved an agreement between the Moldovan and Spanish governments on converting driving licences.

The document will remove bureaucratic obstacles for citizens living, working or travelling between the two countries. They will have the right to convert their driving licence without taking theoretical or practical tests.

"This is very good news for our diaspora in Spain. We must continue negotiations and sign such agreements with all the countries where our diaspora is present", said Prime Minister Dorin Recean.

So far, the Republic of Moldova has signed four treaties regulating the conversion and mutual recognition of driving licences - with Israel, Turkey, Lithuania and Italy, as well as a declaration of intent with Germany for the transcription of driving licences.


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