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Moldova, Romania to carry out more sports events jointly

14:50 | 15.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 15 May /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova and Romania will closer cooperate in the sports sector. The cabinet of ministers has approved, to this effect, the signing of a Protocol between Moldova’s Education and Research Ministry and Romania’s National Agency for Sport.   

Thus, joint sports events, training probations for specialists in the field, as well as sports camps will be organized.  

Specialists from the two countries will exchange experience on the organization of various competitions and other events for the promotion of sport, including for children, women and people with disabilities. Ways of work in the sector of sports medicine and anti-doping activities will be shared as well.   

Representatives from national federations and sports clubs will take part in training seminars, conferences and forums for analyzing the developments in the sports field.  

It is worth mentioning that, in 2024, Moldova and Romania organized the Rubicon ultramarathon, which provided for the covering of the distance between Chisinau and Bucharest. The competition’s goal is to familiarize the participants with the country’s regions, their culture and history.   



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