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Czech Republic supports Moldova in European integration process

16:01 | 15.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 15 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Czech Republic backs Moldova’s integration into the European Union and will provide the authorities with support for the launch of the negotiations on accession. President of the Czech Republic Senate Miloš Vystrčil has made statements to this effect at a joint news conference with Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu in Chisinau.    

Speaker Igor Grosu thanked the Czech partners for the support provided to Moldova so far, noting that the bilateral relations were at a very high level, including between the parliaments. The parliament speaker also said that subjects on the security in the region, the war in Ukraine and the combating of the Russian propaganda had been discussed in Chisinau today.     

The Czech official appreciated the results already achieved by the country in the process in accession to the European Union, stressing that Moldova must be EU member.  

„I am sure that, on the next period, the EU states will adopt courageous decisions on enlargement and will accept more countries in EU; Moldova should be one of them,’’ Miloš Vystrčil said.   

President of the Czech Republic Senate on 15-16 May pays a visit to Moldova. The Czech official is accompanied by senators, members of the Committee on European Union’s Affairs, the Committee on education, culture, human rights and petitions and of the Committee on foreign affairs, defence and security of the Czech Republic’s Senate.   





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