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Pre-Vetting Committee: Parliament to decide on Tatiana Răducanu's resignation request

13:34 | 16.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, May 16 /MOLDPRES/ - The Pre-Vetting Commission announced today that it "has taken note of the recent public statements made by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office regarding Tatiana Raducanu, a member of the Commission" and said that it has taken note "of the intention expressed by Raducanu to resign in the context of the statements."

The Pre-Vetting Committee states that it is the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova that will decide on Tatiana Răducanu's resignation.

"The Pre-Vetting Commission expresses hope and expectation that the charges against Tatiana Răducanu will be thoroughly investigated by the competent national authorities in full compliance with the principles of a fair trial, including the presumption of innocence, provided for both in the legislation of the Republic of Moldova and in international human rights standards," reads the statement issued by the commission.

The Pre-Vetting Commission members announce that they will continue their work and complete the resumed assessment procedures as soon as possible, in accordance with mandate.


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