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PHOTO Nicolae Testemitanu Medical University to hold Open Doors Day

21:26 | 16.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 16 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) will hold the Open Doors Day on 18 May. Graduates from lyceums and colleges, pupils of the 9th-12th forms, as well as all  interested people are expected to come to the event.     

The action will take place in the central teaching block of the University (Stefan cel Mare Blvd 165) starting from 9:00.  

The Day’ agenda includes diverse activities, such as: interactive workshops, master-classes, exhibitions, photo sessions. A meeting with the USMF administration, including with Rector Emil Ceban, pro-rectors, deans and deputy deans of the faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy and Stomatology and representatives of the admission commission will take place at 10:00. They will answer all questions on the process of admission in the 2024-2025 academic year.      

The guests will also be able to visit more university destinations.

Also, young people will have possibility to make a tour to the students’ Campus, in order to see the living conditions in hostels, the canteen, the University Sports Complex, the sports field in open air, the Driving School, etc.  

The Open Doors Day is organized in partnership with the Association of Students and Residents in Medicine, Association of Students Pharmacists from Moldova and the Association of Students Dentists from Moldova.    







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