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Moldovan agriculture minister says government to integrate sustainable practices in agricultural sector, by promoting digitalization

16:49 | 16.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 16 May /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea, in his capacity of president of the 34th Session of the Regional Conference for Europe of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in Rome has referred to the importance of the innovations and of the digitalization in agriculture, as response to the climate changes and the need of sustainable development of natural resources.  

Vladimir Bolea emphasized the Moldovan government’s commitment to integrate sustainable practices in the agricultural sector and to promote its digitalization. ‘’The sustainable management of natural resources and the integration of the digital technologies are essential for coping with the challenges triggered by the climate changes,’’ the official said.

Among the initiatives unveiled, the deputy PM highlighted the process of adjusting the national legislation to the European Union’s one, which will facilitate the efficient implementation of the measures of adaptation to the climate changes. Also, Vladimir Bolea stressed the importance of investments in digital solutions, which are essential for the modernization of the agricultural activity and for enhancing the efficiency in the use of resources.

An important item of his speech was also the development of rural settlements through the European Village National Programme, meant to improve the living and the conditions of work in the rural settlements. The deputy PM noted that the Agriculture and Food industry Ministry (MAIA) continued the development of digital components within the National Register of Farmers, including information systems which facilitate the management of the accountancy in agricultural businesses.      

The 34th Session of the FAO’s Regional Conference for Europe is held in Rome. Deputy PM, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea was elected president of this session and will lead the works of the conference till 17 May this year.  



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