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Moldovan PM meets local authorities from Anenii Noi district

21:04 | 16.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 16 May /MOLDPRES/ - The local authorities must join their efforts, in order to create a better life for all citizens. Prime Minister Dorin Recean has made an urge to this effect. At the meeting with mayors, councilors and representatives of the deconcentrated services from the central Anenii Noi district, the PM stressed the importance of the cooperation between the central and local public authorities, the government’s communication department has reported.     

Also, the prime minister called on the mayors to participate in the governmental programmes, European Village and Express European Village, as well as to develop the capacities of writing and implementation of projects on development of settlements.   

„We are obliged to mobilize and edify Europe at home, in each village and city. The governance has made an unprecedented leap in our relation with the European Union and we should act quickly, in order to prove that we are able to absorb the European resources for local development,’’ the PM said.      

The participants in the meeting tackled more subjects, among which: roads’ rehabilitation, renovation of public institutions, turning more responsible of economic agents and prevention of the damages caused by the exploitation of sand.  

Prime Minister Dorin Recean visited also the kindergarten from the Merenii Noi settlement, through the European Village Programme, for which the government invested about 10 million lei. It is to be attended by about 90 children.   

In the last two years, the government has allocated over 71 million lei for the carrying out of 16 projects within the European Village Programme and about four million lei for 10 projects implemented within the Express European Village programme in the Anenii Noi district.  




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