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As many as 413 households from north Moldova settlement to have access to drinking water

18:46 | 20.05.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 20 May /MOLDPRES/ - Over 410 households from the Radulenii Vechi settlement, northern Floresti district, will have access to drinking water due to a project financed by Romania. Ambassador of Romania to Moldova Cristian-Leon Turcanu today visited three settlements from Moldova, which benefited from projects financed by the Romanian government.    

In the Radulenii Vechi settlement, the project sees the feeding of water from the Alexeevca settlement, setting of two water reservoirs of 150 cubic metres each and connection of all households from the settlements from the settlement to the water network.      

„The government of Romania finances in Moldova projects on the improvement and modernization of infrastructure, water, sewerage and other sectors, meant to ensure European standards for all citizens from this bank of the Prut river. We edify the European Moldova together,’’ Cristian-Leon Turcanu said.  

The ambassador today visited the Sangereii Noi commune, northern Sangerei district, where the Romanian cabinet financed a project on residents’ supply with drinking water. The project’s value is of over 7.8 million lei and 3.7 million lei of it was provided by the Romanian state.    

„I was quite pleased to visit the station of feeding and distribution of drinking water for the Sangereii Noi commune, a project financed by the government of Romania. To be European means to have access to basic services at European standards, means prosperity for each citizen, wherever he/she lives, in the countryside or in cities,’’ Cristian-Leon Turcanu noted.      

Also today, the diplomat visited the Petrunea village, northern Glodeni district, where Romania financed projects on renovation of the gymnasium and kindergarten from the settlement. ‘’A village of diligent and wise people, founded in the times of the reign of King Ferdinand, which can be named a really European village. Romania is present also here and contributes to the improvement of the residents’ living standards. We contributed to the modernization and renovation of the gymnasium from the Petrunea village. The kindergarten was renovated with the financial support of Romania’s government. The construction of the system of sewerage and residual waters is going to be finished – another project financed by Romania,’’ Cristian-Leon Turcanu stressed.    

The support received on behalf of Romania for the Petrunea settlement has amounted to over 3 million lei so far.







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