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Moldova to participate in employment, social innovation programme of European Social Fund Plus

17:21 | 21.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 21 May /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will participate in the Employment and Social Innovation programme (EaSI) of the European Social Fund Plus (FSE+). Labour and Social Protection Minister Alexei Buzu signed an agreement to this effect in Brussels today.

According to the Labour and Social Protection Ministry (MMPS), it is for the first time when Moldova will have access to these funds and will be able to benefit from more financial resources for the reforms’ implementation. Thus, the document represents an important step in the consolidation of the relations between Moldova and the European Union, with the main goal to improve the opportunities of employment and promote the social innovation in Moldova. Through participation in the EaSI programme, the country will benefit from financial and technical support for the implementation of the employment, social inclusion and poverty reduction policies.     

‘’This is an extremely important step for Moldova’s European integration way and for continuing the reforms underway, especially in the field of employment and labour inspection. We continue to work to bring Europe home. We want to bring a positive change in the lives of our citizens, giving them access to decent jobs and qualitative social services,’’ Minister Alexei Buzu said.

The European Social Fund is set to back the ensuring of high levels of employment, of a fair social protection and of a qualified and resilient labour force, prepared for the future labour market, as well as of societies friendly to the inclusion and based on cohesion, which aim at eradicating the poverty and enforcing the principles established in the European Pillar of Social Rights.   

Also, the agreement signed will allow Moldova actively participate in diverse European initiatives and projects, meant to support the reforms in the labour and social protection sector. It will also facilitate the exchange of good practices and experiences with other European Union member states, thus contributing to the development of efficient and sustainable policies.



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