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PM says Moldova becomes stronger, more resistant with European Union

17:54 | 21.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 May /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean and European Commission’s Vice President, EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell Fontelles have signed the Partnership for Security and Defence between Moldova and the European Union.  The PM said that the document would help the country consolidate the defence sector, enhance the cyber security and counteract Russia’s attempts to interfere with Moldova’s democratic processes.     

In the context, the prime minister reiterated that the European Union represented the best mechanism for ensuring the peace and stability of Moldova’s citizens.   

„As we near this objective, we consolidate the resilience of our country before the challenges we face,’’ the Moldovan PM said. He noted that, in this way, the country’s aligning with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy would be enhanced, the assistance for the defence sector would be consolidated through European Peace Facility and Moldova would more actively contribute to the European peace and security.     

„With the European Union, Moldova becomes stronger and more resistant both from the political and economic points of view. We are happy to see the same openness on behalf of the member states as well. With the European Union, Moldova’s future is more competitive, more peaceful and safer,’’ Dorin Recean said.      

Moldova is the first country to benefit from such a partnership with the European Union.  




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