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Moldovan president says leadership's plan to take care of people, edify European Moldova at home

18:27 | 21.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 May /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today pays a working visit to the central Hancesti district, during which she met more mayors and representatives of local authorities. The head of state noted that 29 projects in 16 settlements had been carried out within the European Village Programme.   

„Eighty seven million lei has been invested for water and sewerage networks, street illumination, sports fields, infrastructure, cultural or environmental projects. The rehabilitation of roads from the district, some of them expected for ten years, continues. With the support of the European partners, we will have over 60 km of qualitative road in the Hancesti district,’’ the Moldovan president said.    

President Maia Sandu also said that about 44 million lei had been invested in the last two years, after the district hospital switched to the Health Ministry’s management. ‘’Our plan is clear – to take care of people and to edify the European Moldova at home,’’ the head of state added.   






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