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Moldova has reliable partners. Together we build Europe at home and better life for citizens - PM says

09:36 | 22.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, May 22 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean reconfirmed the country's firm commitment to implement key reforms related to Moldova's European agenda at the eighth meeting of the Association Council. This is the first meeting after the historic decision of the European Council on 14 December 2023 to start accession negotiations with our country, the government's communication department has reported.

During the press statements, held together with Vice-President of the European Commission, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, Recean stressed the firm decision of the Chisinau authorities to implement the European Commission's recommendations in justice, fight against corruption, economic development, energy security and social affairs.

"At today's meeting, we assured we are firmly determined to implement all the reforms in our European path that will bring a better life to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. The reforms are for the welfare and benefit of every Moldovan. We have reliable partners with whom we are building Europe at home and a better life for our citizens", said Recean.

The official approached the facilities that Moldovan citizens already benefit from, thanks to the constant support of the European side, such as the visa-free travel regime in the Schengen Area, reduced roaming charges, the one-year extension of the liberalisation of quotas for 7 agricultural products and road freight transport. The Republic of Moldova has also become the main supplier of plums to the EU and obtained the right to export eggs and chicken meat.

Recean referred to the interconnection of our transport infrastructure with that of the European Union and mentioned the importance of the Intergovernmental Conference which will mark the start of the negotiations. It will be able to invest in regional security and in the Republic of Moldova, which will consequently become a contributor to stability and prosperity in the region.

"The Republic of Moldova wants not only to benefit from aid, but also to act as a security provider on which the European Union can rely. Despite all the challenges, we have made progress and will continue to do so. Our country has taken this path and I am sure that, on 20 October, our citizens will confirm this choice in large numbers in the referendum on European integration. We are proud that we can become members of the European Union", Dorin Recean said.

For his part, Borrell said that relations between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union have never been closer and the EU will continue to contribute to the development and resilience of our country. "The future of Moldova and Moldovan citizens lies in the European Union, and this autumn's referendum will be the biggest chance for citizens to express their will on European aspirations," Borrell said.






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