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Photographer from Moldova gets golden medal at contest in Romania

15:33 | 22.05.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 22 May /MOLDPRES/ - A master photographer, laureate of more international salons and contests, editor-in-chief of the NOI (WE) magazine Valerie Volontir has been awarded golden medal at the International Photographic Art Salon, organized at the Bucovina Museum from Suceava, Romania.   

According to Valerie Volontir, 355 artists photographers from 43 countries, including Belgium, Canada, China, India, Macedonia, Ukraine, participated in the contest.  

More than 4,000 photos were presented at the event.

Valerie Volontir got the golden medal for the photograph titled, Love Story, and the bronze medal for the photograph, Father Comes.

”This is the 11th golden medal I got at international photographic art contests and salons,’’ the laureate said.

Valerie Volontir was born in the Glinjeni settlement, northern Soldanesti district, on 9 October 1953.   

He is member of the Moldovan Journalists’ Union (1977), of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP, 1996). In 2002, FIAP awarded him the title of FIAP Excellence. Volontir is laurate of more international photographic salons and contests: the Grand Prix and Golden Medal, Poland (2004); Special Prize, Japan (2005), Grand Prix and Golden Medal, Macedonia (2010). He was also awarded golden medals in Denmark (1995), Russia (International Delphic Games, 2000), Turkey (2001), Portugal (2003), Turkey (2006, 2007), Egypt (2012), Bulgaria (2020), etc.     





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