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President of Moldova's Chamber of Commerce and Industry visits United Arab Emirates

14:58 | 22.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 22 May /MOLDPRES/ - President of Moldova’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Sergiu Harea pays a working visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on 16-23 May. The event marks an important step in the consolidation of the bilateral economic and commercial relations.     

The CCI president in Dubai met the leadership of the Dubai Chambers. The subjects discussed included the cooperation at the institutional level: forms of cooperation, services provided by CCI and assistance for establishing contracts between enterprises; CCI’s role in the attraction of investments and improvement of the business environment; strategies and opportunities of entering the market and the promotion of assets and services through the organization of fairs and exhibitions, business missions, B2B and B2Matching events.     

The participants in the discussions highlighted also the potential of export of fruits and vegetables from Moldova to the UAE market.

At the same time, CCI President Sergiu Harea continued the official visit at the Abu Dhabi Chamber. The meeting’s goal was to identify and discuss new opportunities for the development of the bilateral economic cooperation, including in fields of investments and new technologies. The sides tackled such subjects as the boosting of the bilateral cooperation, development of investment projects and optimization of Moldova’s exports to UAE.   

The sides emphasized the enhancement of the UAE’s interest in establishing cooperation with Moldova. In the context, the participants established the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the sides and organization of a visit to Moldova by a delegation of business people from UAE, meant to consolidate the bilateral commercial, economic and investment cooperation.   

The visit takes place with the support of Moldova’s Embassy in UAE, stressing both countries’ commitment to explore and turn to good account new opportunities of cooperation.




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