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Moldovan PM says reliable media institutions needed, due to inform correctly, objectively

16:27 | 23.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 23 May /MOLDPRES/ - The government’s goal is to develop the media pluralism, to support cultural, education and media alphabetization projects, to strengthen the editorial and economic independence of mass media. Prime Minister Dorin Recean has conveyed a message to this effect at the Media Policy Forum, held in Chisinau today.     

The PM referred to the promise announced at the 2023 edition on the nomination of an institution as authority in charge of the policies in the mass media sector, which was carried out through the nomination of the Culture Ministry. The Law on fund of subsidization in the mass media sector was approved in parliament in the final reading in last April and the first call within the contest of financing of media projects will be announced in the next autumn.    

At the same time, this month, the cabinet approved a transparent mechanism which will fully compensate the adjusting of the tariff for the distribution of newspapers for the 2024 year, based on the criteria of ethics and deontology, elaborated along with the civil society.     

„We need reliable and strong media institutions, which are to inform correctly and objectively, honest journalists, who are to bring the truth to our homes. It is essential that we combat the Russian misinformation and propaganda, which undermines the peace and stability in our country. A free, independent and responsible press is crucial for our country project – We Edify European Moldova at Home,’’ PM Dorin Recean said.       

The Media Policy Forum is an annual event which brings together all sides interested, as well as national and international experts, in order to discuss and identify solutions to the problems of the mass media from Moldova. The forum is organized by the Freedom House, in partnership with Internews, with the financial support of the U.S. Embassy in Moldova, United States Agency for International Development, Embassy of the United Kingdom in Moldova, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and the Soros Moldova Foundation.       



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