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Moldovan parliament speaker says Romanian government approves new package of assistance for Moldova, turning country more energy independent

17:50 | 23.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 23 May /MOLDPRES/ - The government of Romania has approved a new package of assistance for Moldova, which will turn the country even more energy independent. When we will not be able to ensure the national consumption of electric energy from our own production, the producers of electric energy from Romania will help us. Just as they have done this in the last two years; yet, this will be put down in law this time. Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu made statements to this effect following a visit paid to Bucharest.     

The parliament speaker also informed that Romania had earmarked 2 million 500,000 euros for the capital reconstruction of the students’ hostel No 3 of the B.P. Hasdeu State University from Cahul and over two million euros for the endowment of the law-enforcement institutions with special means.  

„Thank you, Romania, for helping us grow, become stronger and join the great European family,’’ Grosu said.  

Under a document approved by the Bucharest cabinet, education spaces will be set with the 2 million 500,000 euros provided for the capital reconstruction of the students’ hostel No 3 of the B.P. Hasdeu State University from Cahul. This will enhance the attractiveness and quality of the education act at this higher education institution. Also, rooms for accommodation will be organized, meant for teachers, students, beneficiaries of training courses. The teachers and students admitted to the university extension of the Lower Danube University from Galati, Romania, will benefit from these works as well.   



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