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About 1,900 vacant teacher positions recorded in Moldova's education institutions; Education Ministry proposes measures of backing young people choosing pedagogical career

17:29 | 24.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 May /MOLDPRES/ - As many as 1,879 positions of teacher are vacant in the education institutions of Moldova. The greatest deficit is recorded in the Chisinau municipality and the biggest lack of teachers is registered for the specialties Mathematics and pre-school Pedagogy. Data to this effect today was made public by the Education and Research Ministry (MEC). At the same time, MEC unveiled more measures of support for the young people who choose a pedagogical career.        

According to MEC’s data, there are 520 vacant offices of teachers in Chisinau, followed by the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia (UTA Gagauzia) with 127 positions and the Ungheni district – 97. The biggest lack of teachers is recorded for the specialties Mathematics – 272, preschool Pedagogy – 251, Educator – 138, Romanian Language and Literature – 130, Physics – 116.   

MEC today presented the figures at an event organized at the headquarters of the Alexei Mateevici College from Chisinau. Minister Dan Perciun came up with a message to the graduates of this institution, in which he urged them to go to schools to be employed. ‘’Now, time is ripe for you to take a decision and we endeavor to create better conditions for your decision to be simpler. Within the project of the World Bank, we repair two student hostels for those who will go to pedagogy and investments are made in your College to improve the education process. We will continue to invest and modernize the conditions for education,’’ Education and Research Minister Dan Perciun said.      

To attract as many as possible young people to the profession of teacher, MEC comes up with more solutions. Thus, the lyceum graduates choosing to apply for a programme in the education sciences sector will benefit from over 2,500 places financed from the state budget, from twice larger monthly scholarship (of up to 3,460 lei in the last academic years), from modern syllabi, as well as from hostel at attractive tariffs.  

The college graduates due to continue the pedagogical education can benefit from more opportunities. Over 300 places with financing from the state budget for part-time education, shortening of the education period by one year, as well as accommodation in hostel during the learning or working will be provided to them.    

The graduates of the pedagogical specialties who will be employed in one of the vacant positions in the first five years of work will benefit from allowance worth 200,000 lei in case of university graduates and 160,000 lei for college graduates. Also, the didactic norm will be reduced to 75 per cent in the first five years of activity, compensations worth 4,000 lei annually will be provided for the purchasing of teaching materials and equipment. As for those choosing to go to work in the rural settlements or district centres, they will receive compensations for the renting of dwellings and the consumption of the thermal and electric energy. Also, the young specialists will benefit from leave of 62 days, assistance on behalf of teacher mentor in the first five years of work, as well as other facilities.    





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