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Moldovan PM congratulates ethnic Bulgarians on Day of Bulgarian Culture and Slav Writing

17:49 | 24.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 24 May /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has congratulated the ethnic Bulgarians on the Day of Bulgarian Culture and Slav Writing and urged to unity, in order to achieve the country goal – the European integration, which will provide peace, freedom and welfare. The PM conveyed this message at a cultural event held at the Grigore Tamblac State University from Taraclia, the government’s communication department reported.  

„The power is in unity. I would like Moldova to become a European country. A place of peace, prosperity and well-being for all people of this country. This is the only way for Moldova’s development,’’ the prime minister stressed.

The PM referred to the advantage of the ethnic diversity and the intercultural dialogue from Moldova, which enrich the country’s national heritage. ‘’We are all Moldova, even if we represent different ethnic groups and speak different languages. The Bulgarian language is the only language with Cyrillic writing in the European Union and our culture will become integral part and will provide diversity to the European cultural heritage,’’ the prime minister noted.  

The PM urged the local community to back the European direction of Moldova. In the context, he emphasized the country’s excellent relations with Bulgaria, which covered the same road. The prime minister also welcomed the authorities’ decision to transform the Taraclia University into a regional, European one, which is to cover the education needs of the ethnic Bulgarians and of other nationalities from the region.   

During his visit to the Grigore Tamblac State University from Taraclia, the prime minister laid flowers at the Monument to Saint Cyril and Methodius – the creators of the Cyrillic alphabet, used for the writing in the Bulgarian language.     






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