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Moldova's Commission for Evaluation of Prosecutors starts evaluation of anticorruption prosecutors

19:10 | 24.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Commission for Evaluation of Prosecutors today initiated the evaluation of prosecutors from the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s  Office (PA).  

According to the quoted source, the law provides for the evaluation, as priority, of the PA prosecutors. The list of anticorruption prosecutors who are to be subjected to evaluation was submitted to the Commission by the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP).  

Thus, the Commission asked the notified prosecutors to submit, in a 20-day period, the declaration of wealth and personal interests for the last five years, including the list of close people who work in the judicial system, prosecutor’s office and public service. At the same time, the subjects are to fill in and submit a questionnaire on their ethic integrity.   

Following the reception of these documents, the Commission will start accumulating additional information through the accessing of relevant information systems and submitting requests for additional information. The Commission will communicate to the subjects the eventual doubts identified, after which a public hearing will be established. Subsequently, a report on the passage or failure to pass the evaluation will be submitted to CSP, which is to take the final decision.  


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