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Romania, Moldova might jointly participate in missions under EU's aegis

19:29 | 24.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 May /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii and National Defence Minister of Romania Angel Tilvar in Bucharest have signed the second Protocol on amendment of the Agreement between the governments of Romania and Moldova on cooperation in the military sector, initially signed in Chisinau on 20 April 2012.    

The updated document sees the mutual support in the field of joint training and participation in missions and operations under the aegis of international organizations, such as the European Union.

According to the two ministers, the signing of this act is essential in the efforts of enhancing the resilience of Moldova.   

Angel Tilvar also highlighted the fact that the assistance of defence and security which Romania provides to the Moldovan authorities had a multidimensional character, observed the country’s status of neutrality and would be permanently adapted to the concrete needs of the National Army’s transformation and modernization.   



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