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Deputy Prime Minister: Romania - Moldova's main advocate not only in Brussels, but also in all European states

16:05 | 27.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 27 May /MOLDPRES/- Romania is the main advocate of the Republic of Moldova not only in Brussels, but also in all European states. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mihai Popsoi made the statement today.

The head of Moldovan diplomacy presented the projects carried out in the Republic of Moldova with Romania's support.

"Relations with Romania are very close. The support coming from Romania is hardly underestimated, I am referring both to the European agenda and the ongoing infrastructure projects. It is about energy interconnection, so that we are not dependent on Gazprom or Cuciurgan. This interconnection represents the integration of our country into the EU energy market. Other important infrastructure projects include the construction and repair of bridges across the Prut. We are grateful for this generous support from Romania," said Mihai Popșoi.






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