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Moldovan president awards Order of Honour to Ambassador of United States to Moldova

19:04 | 27.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 27 May /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has awarded the Order of Honour to Ambassador of the United States to Moldova Kent Logsdon.  

The head of state today met U.S. Ambassador to Moldova Kent Logsdon, who ends his diplomatic mission in the country.  

President Maia Sandu showed gratitude for the support provided by the USA to Moldova for the implementation of the democratic and economic reforms, overcoming of the energy crisis, support of the European integration way and consolidation of the national security.   

The Moldovan president signed a decree, thereby awarding the Order of Honour to Ambassador Logsdon, as a token of high appreciation for the contribution brought to the deepening of the Moldovan-American relations.      



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