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Moldovan PM in discussions with high school students

11:15 | 28.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 27 May /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean was the guest of the panel discussion "Voices of the future: young people and European Moldova", an event organized by the Students' Senate of Mircea Eliade Theoretical High School in Chisinau. Among the main issues were: ways to improve the quality of studies, the role of young people in the European integration effort and the fight against misinformation.

The official appreciated the initiative of high school students to get involved in activities to combat false information. 

Recean said that young people play a key role in defining the direction our country is heading: "European Moldova is the one where young people have opportunities and actively contribute to the prosperity of the country, the one where we have a developed economy and infrastructure and quality education".





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