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Moldovan parliament speaker says Moldova's place in Europe, France unconditionally backs country in EU integration

14:43 | 28.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 28 May /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu in Paris has met President of the National Assembly of France Yaël Braun-Pivet and President of the French Senate Gérard Larcher. The discussions were focused on the reforms on the parliamentary agenda and the taking over the French expertise in such sectors as the European affairs, green economy and misinformation. At the same time, the French officials reiterated the support for Moldova’s European integration way and came up with messages of encouraging, the parliament’s communication and public relations department reported.    

„In the last years, we have had an intense bilateral agenda, including between the friendship groups or the competent commissions and for this, I express gratitude to Mrs. Braun-Pivet and the French people,’’ the parliament speaker said.   

Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu and President of the National Assembly of France Yaël Braun-Pivet discussed the efforts in reforming the justice, fighting corruption and consolidation of the economy, as well as the support provided by France to Moldova. ‘’Among the subjects tackled, there were also the recently signed documents – the cooperation Agreement in the defence sector, the Roadmap on cooperation in the economic field for 2024-2029 and the loan facility Agreement worth 40 million euros in the field of afforestation. Through such concrete actions, we will boost the commercial exchanges even more, we will diversify the cooperation and will increase the French private investments in Moldova,’’ Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu said.     

The parliament speaker and the president of the French National Assembly discussed also about the Moldovans who live in France. Igor Grosu asked for support in the advancement of the process of negotiations on the agreements in the social protection sector and on the conversion of the driver’s licences, as well as support in the organization of the ballots due next autumn.   

Also, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu and President of the French Senate Gérard Larcher discussed the efforts of Moldova’s authorities to advance on the European integration way.

„The integration into the European Union is our country project and with the advancement in this process, we are ever more determined for our agenda of reforms. We hope that we will quite soon start the negotiations on accession and the entire process is, first of all, for our citizens, for the well-being of each man from Moldova, who should live in peace and safety, with an efficient governance, with a fair justice e, a strong and competitive economy, which is to generate well-paid jobs at home,’’ the parliament speaker stressed.         

On 27-29 May, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu pays a visit to France, at an invitation by President of the French National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet. The agenda also includes meetings with the president of the France-Moldova friendship group at the National Assembly of France, Delphine Lingemann. The Moldovan delegation also includes the head of the group of friendship with France, Marcela Adam, and a member of the same friendship group, Ersilia Qatrawi.    



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