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PM says First Home Plus Programme investment in future of young people, families from Moldova

15:45 | 28.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 28 May /MOLDPRES/ - The First Home Plus Programme will be available for citizens starting from July 2024 and till then, the government will finish the processes needed, in order to simplify the procedures of accessing. Prime Minister Dorin Recean referred to the amendments made for improving the programme at a news conference, the government’s communication department has reported.     

„The government launches the First Home Plus programme, a targeted state assistance dedicated to families from Moldova, through which we edify better living conditions for all people of this country. This programme is an investment in our future, in the future of the young people and families from Moldova,’’ the PM said.    

According to the prime minister, the list of beneficiaries will be extended – representatives of free professions, such as lawyers, bailiffs, mediators, taxi drivers, artists and other people who can prove an income will be able to participate in the programme. Also, the maximal ceiling of crediting will increase from 1 million lei to 2.5 million lei, with a fixed rate of 7.63 per cent and the maximal duration of the loan will be extended from 25 to 30 years.      

Another novelty deals with the increase in the quota of loan’s guaranteeing by the state from 50 to 70 per cent for the dwellings bought outside the Chisinau city. As for the dwellings from the capital, made available for living by up to 10 years before the submission of the application, the quota will grow from 50 to 65 per cent.    

Those who already participate in this programme can benefit from a re-crediting or change of the creditor through the First Home Plus programme. At the same time, the people who have a dwelling not larger than 50 square metres will be able to submit the files for a larger dwelling.

At the same time, a string of procedures will be simplified for the benefit of the citizens, through the digitalization of processes and removing of certificates issued by the Public Services Agency. 



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