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Energocom company of Moldova says schedule of delivery of electricity from Kuchurgan power station for next June coordinated

17:19 | 28.05.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 28 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Energocom Company today informed that the schedule of delivery of electric energy from the Kuchurgan power station from the Transnistrian region (MGRES) for next June had been coordinated. Thus, according to the forecast for June, the needed quantity for the consumers from the right bank of Dniester is of 334,613 MWh.  . 

According to Energocom, about 308, 223 MWh will be purchased from MGRES and about 21,528 MWh will be provided by the electric energy generated by the urban thermal electric power stations and producers of energy from renewable resources.    

The rest of the needs, about 4,862 MWh will be bought from OPCOM, in order to cover especially the consumption in the peak hours.  

In October 2023, the Energocom stock company extended the contract on the procurement of electric energy with MGRES till the end of the 2024 year, with the cost of the energy standing at 66 dollars/MWh.



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