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Moldovan president meets local authorities, farmers from Criuleni district

20:53 | 28.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 28 May /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today paid a working visit to the central Criuleni district, during which she discussed settlements’ development with representatives of the local public authorities, the presidential press service has reported.      

„The European Village Programme reaches ever more settlements and is appreciated by the local administration. Today, I spoke with mayors from Criuleni about the projects worth 78 million lei already implemented in 19 settlements: water and sewerage, modernized kindergartens, community centres and sports halls. For two years, the Criuleni town has been proud of the biggest photovoltaic park of the country, which annually brings millions of lei to the district’s budget,’’ President Maia Sandu said.       

In Criuleni, the head of state met also entrepreneurs from the district. ‘’Today, I discussed with farmers from the region the fact that it is necessary that we develop crops resistant to drought, an efficient irrigation network and preserve the quality of our soils. We will continue to be with the people who till this land, enforce innovations, make quality qualitative products. It is still much work to do and anyone’s involvement is necessary, in order to edify the European Moldova settlement by settlement,’’ President Maia Sandu said.    

Also today, the head of state visited the Cruglic settlement. ‘’The energy of a village is felt through its people. In Cruglic, Criuleni, I met people loving traditions, who chose to renovate the Community Centre with the help of the European Village programme. A place which unites everybody on holidays and where today we admired together the Mugurel band of children,’’ President Maia Sandu added.      



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