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Moldovan government increases volume of security stocks of natural gas

15:27 | 29.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 29 May /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will store about 15 per cent of the average annual consumption of natural gas, of which over 30 per cent will represent security stocks. Two decisions to this effect have been approved at a meeting of the cabinet of ministers, in order to ensure the security of Moldova’s supply with natural gas in case of emergencies.     

According to calculations by the National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE), presented to the Energy Ministry, the overall quantity needed for storing the natural gas is of more than 149 million cubic metres. About 47 million cubic metres of them represent security stocks, which is equivalent to 10 days of consumption in winter. The security stocks have earlier covered eight days of domestic consumption.       

„Moldova has become energy independent on the dimension of natural gas and we will continue this effort on the entire spectrum of energy resources. Also, it is important that we work intensely to enhance the energy efficiency and the saving of energy,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.    

The Energocom stock company was nominated as enterprise in charge of the concluding of the agreements and contracts necessary with the operators of storage installations and will keep the separate record of the transactions signed in connection with the creation and maintaining of the security stocks.

The gas volumes will be purchased till 1 October of each calendar year and will be stored in deposits from countries members of the Energy Community or from European Union member states.  



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